Instruction for Author

  • The Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases is administered by the National Health Commission of the Peoples Republic of China. As the official Journal of the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association and National Institute of Parasitic Disease-Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, we are publishing manuscripts on parasitology and parasitic diseases. In particular, we are dedicated to publishing scientific research on parasitology and experience in the control of parasitic diseases. Our goal is to introduce new hypotheses, technologies and progress in the field to promote academic exchange and to advance scientific research and disease prevention and control.

    We publish research articles, reviews, research notes and case reports on a regular basis, and we would also consider commentaries, perspectives, correspondences and debates on an individual basis.

    1  Requirement

    The manuscripts should be scientifically sound, logical and of theoretical and/or practical significance, and should have clear arguments, reliable data, reasonable structure, and accurate and concise expression.

    1.1  Title

    The title should be accurate, concise, and easy to search and read. The title should reflect and summarize the full text and highlight the theme. Use of punctuation in the title should be avoided. The tile should be no more than 20 Chinese characters. Use of English abbreviations should be minimised. 

    1.2  Authors, affiliations and funding

    Names of all authors, affiliations, cities, postal codes and countries should be listed. The corresponding author should be marked with a superscript ‘*’. Authors’ names should be listed with Pinyin (romanisation system for standard Chinese). Each letter of the surname should be capitalized, and only the first letter of the first name should be capitalized; a hyphen should be used between each Chinese character in first names, for example, WU Wei-ping. Only one author should be designated as the first author or corresponding author. Co-first authors or co-corresponding authors are not allowed. For national or provincial funding, the project name and grant code should be provided. Authors, affiliations and funding should be provided in both English and Chinese, and consistency between Chinese and English should be ensured.

    1.3  Abstract

    For research articles, a structured abstract is required, including objectives, methods, results and conclusions. The objective should include one or two sentences that accurately explain the research purpose. The methods for epidemiological and field studies should specify the time, location, sampling method or data source, analysis methods and statistical analysis methods; the methods for basic and laboratory research should specify the experimental design, methods, sample acquisition time, testing indicators and statistical analysis methods. The results should be described in the same order presented in the methods; the main data should be listed first and followed by statistical analysis. The same number of decimal places should be used for the same set of data/results. Test values and P values should be provided for statistical analysis.

    The conclusion should be in accordance with the purpose and should be based on the results. Conclusions not supported by concrete data in the results should not be included.

    A reporting abstract is applicable for review articles and research notes; it should summarize the content reported in the manuscript and the main results and conclusions, and should help readers decide whether to read the full text.

    1.4  Keywords

    Three to five Chinese and English keywords should be included, with disease or insect names first, followed by content or methods. Medical subject headings (MeSH) and MeSHAAL should be followed.

    1.5  Format of manuscripts

    1.5.1  Research article  Introduction

    In this section, the background--that is, what has been done, what problems still exist and the purpose of the study--should be introduced. Data and conclusions should not be included.  Materials and methods

    The criteria for the methods section of the abstract apply. However, more details should be provided as follows:

    For epidemiological and field studies, a clear description of the time, location, population (age range), source of data, sampling method, analysis methods and index, quality control and statistical analysis should be provided. For basic and laboratory research, a clear description of the experimental grouping, processing methods, sample/sample collection time, testing and statistical methods should be provided.

    If applicable, methods of randomization should be described. Statistical methods--such as statistical research design, expression and description of data, selection of statistical analysis methods, and interpretation and expression of statistical results--should be described in as much detail as possible. For research involving human participants, ethics approval documents and informed consent forms should be included. For studies reporting animal experiments, a statement should be included describing whether the national regulations governing the management and use of experimental animals and the relevant institutional guidelines were complied with. Results should not be included in the materials and methods. Standard Chinese names should be used for reagents. If manufacturers of reagents and instruments are not domestic, the country of origin should be provided. For domestic manufacturers, the full name of the company should be provided.  Results

    The criteria for the results section of the abstract apply. However, more details should be provided. The results should be described in the same sequence as the methods section. The main data should be listed first and followed by comparisons. The same number of decimal places should be used for the same set of data/results. Test values and P values should be provided for statistical analysis. Discussion topics should not be included in the results.

    Note: Results for immunology and molecular biology should be validated. Results involving only cloning and expression analysis will be publishable only as research notes.  Molecular biological identification results must be provided for any new species’ found in the study on the basis of morphological identification; otherwise, the manuscript will not be considered.  Discussion

    The discussion should be based on the results or comparison with relevant studies. The application value or importance should be described. Descriptions of the methods, results or background should not be repeated in the discussion.

    1.5.2  Review article

    In general, a review article should be a comprehensive discussion of a certain topic that is based on published works; it should include analysis and discussion, describe the state of the art and provide future perspectives. Solely summarizing previous results is not sufficient. For narrative review articles, subheadings of the same level are parallel to each other. English should be translated and restructured by following Chinese grammar. Use of abbreviations should be minimised. Terminologies should be made consistent throughout the manuscript. References should be up to date and should include mainly publications within the previous 5 years. A minimum of 35 references should be cited.

    1.6  Figures and tables

    Overlap of the results shown or described in tables/figures and the text should be minimised. The major data should be first cited in the main text, and followed by figures and tables. Tables should be concise and should generally comprise three (horizontal) line tables without vertical lines. In figures, the horizontal and vertical axes and legends should be clearly shown, and the text annotation should be editable and placed outside the image. For pathological images, the main pathological changes must be briefly described, and the target should be highlighted with arrows. Figures and tables (including titles and legends) of research articles must be provided in both Chinese and English, and consistency should be ensured. In table/figure legends, statistical analysis results should be provided with a, b, c, etc., together with notes in both Chinese and English (do not use *, **, ***). Images should be of sufficient resolution (over 300 pixels). In addition to being inserted in the Word file, each figure should be provided to the editorial office in ‘JPG’ or ‘TIF’ format for typesetting purposes.

    1.7  Nomenclature

    Please consult the vocabulary or dictionary published by the Peoples Medical Publishing House and Science Press for correct terminologies. Species names should be written as italicized Latin names at their first occurrence in the text, for example, Echinococcus granulosus. Full technical terms are generally used in the main text. However, if a full term is long and is repeated more than five times, abbreviations may be used; full terms in Chinese should be defined where the abbreviation first appears, and the English full name and abbreviation should be included in parentheses. For example, if RNA interference (RNAi) is defined at first mention, the abbreviation RNAi can be used thereafter. For commonly used abbreviations, such as DNA, RNA, PCR, RT-PCR, ELISA and AIDS, abbreviations can be used directly without definition. The same terminology should be used for the same specie/agent throughout.

    1.8  Units and italics

    China statutory measurement units should be used. The unit name and unit symbol should not be used in a mixed manner. To indicate the relationships among dosage, mass and time, mg/(kg·d) should be used instead of mg/kg/d. Ranges should be expressed with ‘~ in Chinese (‘-’ is used in English), such as 18% ~ 28%, 3 × 109 ~ 5 × 109 or (3 ~ 5) × 109. Tolerance may be expressed as (73.6 ± 2.3) mg/m3. Symbols commonly used in statistics (for example, n, χ2, P, t and x ± s) should be italicized. Symbols of quantity should be in italics; for example, the symbol of absorbance (formerly called optical density) is an italicized A. For all pressure measurements involving human and animal bodies, either mm Hg or cm H2O may be used. However, the conversion coefficient of mm Hg or cm H2O to kPa (1 mm Hg = 0.133 kPa, 1 cm H2O = 0.098 kPa) should be indicated at first mention in the text. The concentration unit M should be replaced with mol/L, for example, 5 mol/L instead of 5 M. Centrifugal units in rpm should be converted to units of centrifugal force, g, for example, 12 000 × g for 5 min. The relative molecular mass (Mr) of a protein should not be expressed in kDa; for example, use 20 000 instead of 20 kDa. Days, hours, minutes and seconds should be expressed as d, h, min and s when used as time units, for example, 5 d, 10 h, 30 min and 20 s. Chinese characters should not be used as units. A space should separate numerals and units, for example, 5 mol/L. The symbols +, -, ±, ×,and = should be separated from adjacent text with one space before and after, for example, 419.00 ± 60.86 and P < 0.05. For numbers with four or more significant figures, a space should be placed every three digits before and after the decimal point, for example, 20 000, 0.235 48.

    1.9  References

    Original papers should be cited (and translations, summaries of an original paper, reprints or internal documents should not be used). References should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the main text. In the main text, references should be indicated by superscript numbers in square brackets. References must be cited sequentially. Please ensure consistency between the citations in the main text and the reference list. We suggest using software, such as SFSOFTWARE or Medlive, to check the references.

    1.9.1  Journals

    References should be formatted as follows:

    [number] Author. Title [J]. Publication name (English abbreviations should be in accordance with Index Medicus), year, volume (issue): first page-end page. (The first to third authors should be included, followed by et al. in cases with more than three authors, the volume and issue should be provided.)


    [1] Zhou XN, Chen J, Sheng HF, et al. Comments on the writing points of english medical research papers[J]. Chin J Parasitol Parasit Dis, 2018, 36 (2): 153-155, 160

    [2] Marques J, Cardoso JCR, Felix RC, et al. Fresh-blood-free dish for commanding malaria mosquito vectors[J]. Sci Rep, 2018, 8 (1):17807

    1.9.2  Books

    [number] authors (or editors). Title[M]. Edition number. Place of publication: Publisher, Year: first page-end page.


    [1] Wu GL. Human parasitology[M].  3rd edition. Beijing: Peoples Medical Publishing House, 2005: 687-696.

    1.9.3  Book chapters


    [2] Wang YZ. Clonorchis sinensis[M]// Zhao WX. Human Parasitology. 2nd edition. Beijing: Peoples Medical Publishing House, 1994: 521-538.

    2  General information

    2.1 Submission, editorial assessment, peer review, editorial board discussion and online publication

    2.1.1 Submission

    Only online submissions will be received (submission website:

    Register (provide mobile phone numbers of the first author and corresponding author) obtain user name and password login submit online. The editorial office never authorizes any third parties to perform manuscript submission, given that many fake submission websites exist on the internet. Please take extra caution and use only our official submission website. Authors can log into the submission system with a user name and password, then further track manuscript status online.

    2.1.2  Editorial assessment

    After successful submission, preliminary editorial assessment will be completed within 1 week. Manuscripts that do not meet journal requirements will be rejected or recommended for transfer if they are outside the scope of this journal, if they present preliminary results or are review articles without novel perspectives.

    2.1.3  Peer review

    After editorial assessment, manuscripts will be sent to two experts for peer review. If one of the reviewers recommends ‘reject’ or ‘not suitable for publication in this journal’, the editorial office will seek a third opinion. If more than two reviewers recommend ‘reject’, the editorial office will reject the manuscript.

    Note: Peer reviewers selected by editorial offices are all experts with relevant research background. They are not the authors or members of the author’s research group, and they have no competing interests with the authors.

    2.1.4  Editorial board discussion

    According to the peer review reports, the editors will send decision letters to authors via the submission system. Revised research articles are discussed at editorial board meetings held in Shanghai, which are organized by the editorial office bi-monthly. On the basis of two or more peer reviewers’ reports, editors discuss the scientific aspects of the manuscript and provide comments to authors for further revision. Final decisions (reject/accept), as well as the article type, will be determined in editorial board meetings.

    2.1.5  Online publication

    This journal has signed the CAJ-N Online Academic Journal Co-publishing Agreement with CNKI. All manuscripts will be published online on the CNKI platform after it is finalized.

    2.1.6  Miscellaneous

    As of 2019, DOI format is applicable and is added to the front page of each published manuscript. In addition, a brief introduction of authors (authors should provide the relevant information), publication date and URL are added.

    2.2  Conflicts of interest, human and animal rights, informed consent and ethical statements

    The journal complies with the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (http://www.icmje. org/). Authors, peer reviewers, editors and the editorial staff are all required to submit statements declaring any conflicts of interest that may exist in the peer review and publication process. For experiments involving human participants, ethics approval documents describing informed consent (or, for minors, informed consent obtained from guardians) must be included. For studies reporting animal work, authors should state whether national regulations governing the management and use of experimental animals and relevant institutional guidelines were complied with. For more information, please refer to the International Association of Veterinary Editors: Consensus author guidelines on animal ethics and welfare for editors (

    As of 2019, the following statements are mandatory for all submissions: author information, ethics approval documents and informed consent to participate (for research involving human participants, informed consent regarding medical ethics must be included), consent to publish (provide ‘Authorization of exclusive right to publish’; the exclusive right to use the manuscript belongs to the editorial office of this journal and the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association), availability of data and materials, conflicts of interests, funding, and authors’ contributions and acknowledgments. If some of the above mentioned statements are not applicable, please state ‘not applicable’ under the corresponding heading. Copies of other relevant materials--such as funding approval documents, ethics approval documents, informed consent forms and authorization of exclusive right to publish--should be compressed and uploaded to the submission system under the category of ‘Copyright Agreement’.

    2.3  Authorship

      Only one author may be listed as the first author or as the corresponding author. Individuals who contributed to the work but who are not qualified as authors may be acknowledged in Acknowledgements. For any addition/removal of authors after submission, a written explanation listing all new authors and including the signatures of the first author and corresponding author should be scanned and sent to editorial office. Otherwise, the authorship change will not be accepted.

    2.4  Author responsibilities

    Authors take full responsibility for their manuscript. According to the relevant copyright law, the editorial office has the right to edit the original manuscript. However, any amendments related to changes in content are sent to the authors for consideration. Drafts after typesetting and the final drafts are sent to authors for proofreading through the submission system. Authors should read through the draft carefully (including texts, figures and tables) and respond to the suggestions raised by the editors.

    2.5  Page charges

    Page charges are applicable for accepted manuscripts. A notification with more details is delivered to authors from the submission system.

    Only bank transfers will be accepted (for transfer please indicate: ZG-page charges and name of the first author). The required information for transfer is as follows:

    Name: Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute of Parasitic Disease

    Taxpayer Identification Number: 310101425012891

    Address: No. 207, Ruijin Er Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

    Tel: 021-64664322

    Bank and Account No.: ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China), Shanghai Ruijin Er Road Sub-branch, 1001253709026400233

    2.6  Push notification service after publication

    The editorial office offers editorial board members/peer reviewers the table of contents and abstracts by push notifications through email.

    2.7  Offprints

    The first author (by default) will, at no cost, receive two print copies of the current issue after publication. The editorial board member/peer reviewers will, at no cost, receive one print copy of the current issue. The cover and table of contents of the current issue and the manuscript may be downloaded from the official website of the journal (full text could also be downloaded from CNKI).

    3  Editorial contact information

    National Institute of Parasitic Disease, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

    No. 207, Ruijin Er Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 200025, China

    Editorial office of ‘Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases’

    Telephone: 021-54562376, 021-64377008 ×1305


    WeChat: CJPPD_NIPD_ChinaCDC


  • 2023-03-08 Visited: 12570