Peer review process

  • This journal implements the system of three level reading based on peer review (first trial, peer review and editorial committee judgment). Manuscripts approved in the first trial are selected and sent to 2 experts in relevant fields for peer review to ensure the academic level and quality of the papers.

    The specific manuscript processing is as follows:

    1. Registration: After submitting the manuscript, the author will automatically receive a receipt informing the manuscript number and the account number for online inquiry. The editorial office receives the manuscript, registers it and submits it for first trial.

    2.First trial: If have the following problems, the manuscripts will be rejected or suggested to contribute to other magazines. (1) does not conform to the purpose and scope of the journal; (2) repeat the previous work with nothing new; (3) too many articles of the same kind with repeated content; (4) manuscripts with vague views, confused logic and lack of readability; (5) academic misconducts the comparison results of documents: the repetition rate of the whole paragraph exceeds 10%, and the total repetition rate exceeds 30%; (6) the selected topic has no scientific research value or political problems; (7) the experiment or theoretical research has obvious defects and the data are not detailed; (8) the focus is not prominent, the organization is not clear, and the logic is not strong; (9) the chart has obvious errors.

    3.Peer review: The editorial office will give due consideration to reviewers recommended or avoided by the author. The editor in charge sends the manuscripts to 2  peer reviewers to evaluate the innovation, academic level and preciseness. The editorial office will invite statistical experts to comment on the statistics in the manuscripts. And the reviewers are asked to send back comments within 2 weeks. If two experts do not agree in peer review, another expert will be selected to review the manuscript. If more than 2 experts suggest "rejection", the editorial office will reject the manuscript.

    Note: The peer reviewers selected by the editorial office are all experts in relevant fields, but they are not the authors or members of the research group and have no interest relationship.

    4. Editorial committee judgment: The editorial office holds a meeting of editorial committee members at regular interval (every two months) in Shanghai, and organizes finalization discussions on "treatise" manuscripts based on the author's revision (including peer review comments and the author's revision instructions, etc.). Finalization reviewers will discuss the scientificity, innovation and existing problems of the manuscripts and give final opinions: treatise, research brief or rejection. If it is necessary for peer r-review, it will be sent to peer review again and submitted to the next meeting.

    Review result

    1. Adoption: Except for "treatise", manuscripts in other columns are recommended to be published after revision if the two peer reviewers agree. "Works" type of manuscript, according to the final opinion of the final meeting.

    2. Column change: make the decision of column change according to the opinions of reviewers/ opinions of the final meeting (treatise). Two peer revisers and/or the opinions of the final meeting both think that due to the relatively simple content of the manuscript and certain defects in experimental or theoretical research, it is suggested to change the column into "research brief".

    3.Rejection: According to the comments of the reviewers, the decision of "rejection" is made. There are big defects in experimental or theoretical research. If the author has different opinions on the review, he can appeal.

    Time for review

    1. Receipt: the preliminary review shall be completed within 7 working days.

    2. Peer review: peer review will be completed with 30 days after contribution. In case of overtime processing, please contact by mail.

    3. Returning: the editor in charge will sort out the opinions and summarize them to the author within 14 days to revise, supplement and perfect.

    4. Revision: the time for revision is set at 21 days in contribution system, the manuscript will be returned if the revision isn’t completed within 90 days. In case of special circumstances, it is necessary to delay the submission of the returned manuscript, please contact the editorial office to avoid unnecessary losses.

    5. Finalization meeting:

    Note: Peer review, re-review and editorial committee judgment might need for time, but the processing of a manuscript will be completed within 3 months after contribution. If you don't receive any comments within 3 months after contribution, please call for advice or inform the editorial office. Only after the editorial office knows can the author transfer to other periodicals.

  • 2020-04-30 Visited: 8971