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向瑞灯1,喻斌1,单晓伟2 *,邓芳1,徐新文1,刘志爽3   

  1. 1 湖北省汉川市血吸虫病预防控制所,汉川 431699;2 湖北省疾病预防控制中心血吸虫病防治研究所,武汉 430079;
    3 湖北省汉川市血吸虫病防治工作领导小组办公室,汉川 431699
  • 出版日期:2016-02-28 发布日期:2016-03-11

Efficacy of the Sentinel Mouse Method in Monitoring Schistosoma japonicum Infection in Key #br# Water Areas of Hanchuan City

XIANG Rui-deng1, YU Bin1, SHAN Xiao-wei2 *, DENG Fang1, XU Xin-wen1, LIU Zhi-shuang3   

  1. 1 Hanchuan Institute of Schistosomiasis Control, Hubei Province, Hanchuan 431699, China;2 Office of the Leading Group for Schistosomiasis Control of Hanchuan City, Hubei Province, Hanchuan 431699, China;3 Institute of Schistosomiasis Control, Hubei Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Wuhan 430079, China
  • Online:2016-02-28 Published:2016-03-11


目的 掌握湖北省汉川市血吸虫病重点水域的水体感染性,探讨哨鼠法在血吸虫病监测预警中的作用。 方法 于2014年在汉川市汉北河、刁汊湖、庙五渠等3个水系设立哨鼠监测预警点,并收集监测点所属村的疫情资料。分别于6月上旬和9月上旬于各监测点投放哨鼠(雄性昆明小鼠)20只,每次4 h,连续投放2 d。观察小鼠丢失及死亡情况。同时,观察监测现场江滩上的人畜活动情况,并调查其血吸虫感染情况。将哨鼠带回实验室饲养35 d后,解剖观察其肝脏肉芽肿情况,并计数血吸虫成虫。分析哨鼠感染情况和监测预警阳性点的分布,对出现感染性水体的区域启动应急响应。 结果 2014年在汉川市汉北河、刁汊湖和庙五渠等3个水系分别设5、5、3个监测点,共13个。各监测点2014年春季均未查到感染性钉螺。汉北河水系有螺框出现率为18.7%(224/1 201),高于刁汊湖水系(12.8%,852/6 644)和庙五渠水系(6.4%,202/3 147)(P<0.01)。监测点共投放哨鼠520只,回收514只,丢失6只,饲养过程中死亡4只。共解剖哨鼠510只,检出感染阳性哨鼠4只,检获日本血吸虫成虫27条,哨鼠总感染率为0.8%,阳性鼠平均虫荷为6.8条/只。汉北河、刁汊湖、庙五渠等3个水系的哨鼠感染率分别为1.5%(3/197)、0.5%(1/195)、0(0/118)(P>0.05)。13个监测点中,三四村、康家村、陡埠村等3村为血吸虫感染阳性点,且均在9月份检出。汉北河、刁汊湖和庙五渠等3个水系血吸虫检出阳性点分别为2、1和0个。13个监测点现场共发现散放耕牛22头,其中感染血吸虫的牛2头;发现渔船民共62人,其中血吸虫感染者2人。3个哨鼠阳性点均启动了应急响应,未发生血吸虫病重大疫情。 结论 哨鼠法可显著提高血吸虫病监测预警系统的敏感性,残存的病牛和渔船民中的感染者仍是汉川市血吸虫病传播的主要传染源。

关键词: 日本血吸虫病, 哨鼠, 水体感染性, 监测预警, 汉川市


Objective To understand the water infectivity of schistosomes in key water areas of Hanchuan City, and explore the use of sentinel mice in surveillance and forecast of schistosomiasis. Methods Surveillance and forecast sites were set up in North Han River, Diaocha Lake, and Miaowu Ditch in 2014. Sentinel mice (male Kunming mice, n=20 in each site) were placed there within the first ten-day period of June and September, respectively. Field detections lasted 4 h each, for a total of 2 days. The loss and death rates of mice were recorded. Humans and livestocks with activities in these sites were also examined for schistosome infection. The sentinel mice recovered were raised in laboratory for 35 days, dissected, and examined for liver granulomas and adult worm counting. The distribution of sites with positive detections and their infection status were analyzed. Emergency measures were taken in the positive sites. Results A total of 13(5 sites in North Han River, 5 in Diaocha Lake, and 3 in Miaowu Ditch) surveillance and forecast sites were set up. No infected snail was detected in any of these sites in spring 2014. The detection rate of living snails in North Han River (18.7%, 224/1 201) was significantly higher than that in Diaocha Lake(12.8%, 852/6 644) and in Miaowu Ditch (6.4%, 202/3 147)(P<0.01). Of the 520 mice placed, 6 were lost, and 514 were recovered, among which 4 mice died during laboratory raising. The remaining 510 sentinel mice were then dissected, revealing infection in 4 mice, with a positive rate of 0.8%. Twenty-seven Schistosoma japonicum worms were collected, and the mean worm burden of positive mice was 6.8 worms per mouse. Three sites (Sansi village, Kangjia village and Doubu village) were found to be positive sites of infection in September, with the detailed number of 2, 1 and 0 in North Han River, Diaocha Lake, and Miaowu Ditch respectively, with a positive rate of 1.5% (3/197), 0.5% (1/195) and 0 (0/118) in sentinel mice (P>0.05). In addition, among the 22 cattle found in the 13 sites, 2 were infected with schistosomes; and among the 62 fishermen and boatmen, 2 were infected. Emergency measures were taken in the three positive sites, and no high endemicity occurred. Conclusion The monitoring of sentinel mice infections can improve the sensitivity of the surveillance and forecast system of schistosomiasis. The infected fishermen and cattle remain the major source of schistosomiasis transmission in Hanchuan City.

Key words: Schistosomiasis japonica, Sentinel mouse, Water infectivity, Surveillance and forecast, Hanchuan City